Lenne Huisman -
Progrock Uit Noorwegen -

(Book October 2024)

(Book Review)

Serious Music Alphen       

Lenne Huisman is certainly no stranger to all those lovers of progressive rock who occasionally visit one of the concerts that take place at the Parkvilla in Alphen aan den Rijn. He is one of the organizers of prog concerts at this Dutch venue via Serious Music Alphen. He has also written the book 50 Jaar Progressieve Rock Introductiegids (50 Years of Progressive Rock Introductory Guide) and together with Henk Tuijn he wrote Verborgen Prog-Parels 1970-1980 (Hidden Prog Pearls 1970-1980, see review). While visting some of those concerts at the Parkvilla, Lenne told me that he had plans to write a book about all those progressive acts from Norway. So many bands in this genre. How is it possible for such a small country he said at the time. So much to discover. He already mentioned the band Fruitcake. A rather unknown band for him but discovered by myself when it was originally released. I told him it would be a pleasure to help him out with finding more of those unknown acts from Norway. But even before I could send him tips of bands which I discovered during all those years of reviewing, he had already come up with his book about the Norwegian progressive rock scene. Written in his own native Dutch language. Titled Progrock Uit Noorwegen - Introductiegids (Progrock From Norway - Introduction Guide)

After reading this book of 137 pages of info about the Norwegian progressive rock scene, I can only show my sincere appreciation for him putting together a great book to read. Especially since there is so much information available about Norway and its music scene. In addition, there are many acts mentioned that I don't even know. Lenne has put a lot of time and research into producing a very detailed reference book that has become a must-have for every respected lover of our genre. I will tell you why.

Of course this book shows many similarities with the book about the prog pearls. You can't avoid that and it's OK with me. Never change a winning formula. The book is divided into seven chapters. First an introduction which is followed by all the ins and outs about Norway. The following chapter tells about the music business in Norway in general. All kinds of musical styles are mentioned. Finally we get to the first part which really gets interesting for our readers. Progrock in Norway. The story starts in the seventies and a lot of unknown acts are mentioned. Bands such as Junipher Greene, Aunt Mary and Popol Ace didn't ring any bells for me. Most of all Aunt Mary and Popol Ace are rather good. Lucky enough for me I did know Ruphus because I heard their albums at the time they were released. Titanic is also mentioned but their excellent album Eagle Rock is unfortunately overlooked. I guess you can not check out all of their albums. Also the bands from the eighties had surprises for me in store. For example the Norwegian version of Octopus was totally unknown to me and sounded rather interesting. However Kerrs Pink I did know before I read about them. But it seemed those years did not bring many great bands to the surface. However the next decade brought more new interesting bands. Bands such as the earlier mentioned Fruitcake and White Willow. But the band Thule and their album Natt was a pleasant unknown surprise for me. Just like the album Through The Gates Of Deeper Slumber released by Smell Of Incense. Next up are the many bands that made it in the new millennium. Bands which are nowadays well known to most of our readers. Names such as Wobbler, Gazpacho, Airbag, Magic Pie and Arabs In Aspic started in the 00 years. Followed by the bands from the 10 years with acts such as The Windmill, Oak and Professor Tip Top. Bands which are not known to everybody unfortunately. Finally some bands are mentioned which came to the surface in the 20 years. Bands that probably are more well known because they are more recent. MEER, 35 Tapes and Seven Impale. Most of all thanks to the Norwegian labels Karisma Records and Apollon Records. Labels which are mentioned in the following chapter before we go to the chapter in which Lenne comes up with the most important bands and artists in the Norwegian prog scene and the albums they released are worth listening to. The so-called Prog Pearls. But first the names which are according to Lenne the ten most important bands. Included are the earlier mentioned Wobbler, Gazpacho, Airbag, Magic Pie, White Willow and Kerrs Pink. The list is completed by Leprous, Ulver, Soup and Motorspycho. The last two names I only know by name and just recently listened to them because of this book review. They certainly have made some interesting albums. As a kind of extra, five other interesting bands are mentioned as well. They are the earlier mentioned Arabs In Aspic, The Windmill, Professor Tip Top and the two acts with a bit of weird names. Namely Jordsjø and Tusmørke. Lenne is probably right that these are the most important acts in the scene. As for the people who are the ones who rule in Norway prog they are people such as Bjørn Riis (guitarist Airbag). But also Jacob Holm-Lupo, known for his work with White Willow and The Opium Cartel, is important next to Ole Michael Bjørndal. He is a member of Oak and Caligonaut. But also Lars Fredrik Frøislie of Wobbler and White Willow. Finally Erlend Viken is mentioned because of his work with Soup and Giant Sky.

The most important section in the book is probably the part in which the 64 Prog Pearls or most important albums are introduced to the progheads who want to hear more than only the well known albums made by the big names in the genre. Of course once again you can discuss if all of them are really worth checking out and are of a real high level music wise. The so-called must have albums. However of course everything always depends on the musical taste of someone. Just like in Huismans earlier book I've also heard albums which I would not consider real gems. There are other albums I also miss in the list. Of course I shouldn't judge too harshly because the most important thing is that all these albums are brought to the readers attention. Because every album deserves to be listened to and then you can decide for yourself whether you like them or not.

Well here we go by giving you a selection of albums which are mentioned and deserved to be called Prog Pearls according to my personal taste and are albums I reviewed myself most of all. And also made me play them once again. Hopefully it well help you hear new gems:

White Willow - Terminal Twilight
Nordagust - In The Mist Of Morning
Ring Van Möbius - Past The Evening Sun
Ruphus - Ranshart
Lars Fredrik Frøislie - Fire Fortellinger
Kerrs Pink - Mystic Spirit
Wobbler - Dwellers Of The Deep and From Silence To Somewhere
Magic Pie - The Suffering Joy
Fruitcake - Room For Surprise
Adventure - Beacon Of Light

With the band Wobbler Lenne could not really decide which albums to choose because all of them are strong according to him. Which they are of course. But I would have chosen Rites At Dawn as well. Also with Magic Pie. I would have chosen Circus Of Life as well.

As for the albums which I would have loved to be seen as Prog Pearls in the book are the following to be considered checking out as well:

Pictorial Wand - Face Of Our Fathers and A Sleeper's Awakening.
Pymlico - Inspirations and Directions.
Retroheads - Retrospective and Introspective.
Infringement - Alienism

Missing them does not mean that Lenne made a mistake not to include them. I am only indicating that there is more to discover underneath the surface. What we have here in the book is only the tip of the iceberg. The rest is under water to discover for all of you out there! Including myself of course. Lenne also showed me that there is enough for me to discover music wise. But a day has only 24 hours and there is more in life than listening to progressive rock. We have a day time job for instance and a family and friends that need attention as well.

Many bands are included that are indicated as Prog Pearls or very important albums according to Lenne. Bands like Gargamel, Green Carnation and The Samuel Jackson Five. But as for myself I do not consider the albums they made as real gems, but more like good albums worth listening to. No more! But again it is all a matter of personal taste. Other people, like Lenne, might enjoy them a lot. But its good they are mentioned anyway, because I didn't know them before reading this book!

As for the albums that I missed listening through the years and are real gems, I could not really find one. Albums that you might say to yourself "how I could miss them". However again other people might be glad they could discover them. Because they were mentioned in this book!

To end this maybe too long review, I once again have to give Lenne a big compliment for succeeding once again in writing an impressive book about progressive rock. The remarks mentioned earlier does not mean he has failed to write an interesting book. Which he of course did write! I only gave my personal thoughts about the albums and bands mentioned. So both thumbs up for Lenne even if he did put the flag of Norway on the cover the other way around! And hopefully this is the start of many books about progressive rock in other countries to discover!

Here you can order the book if you are interested: info@seriousmusicalphen.nl

**** Henri Strik (edited by Dave Smith)

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