This band comes from the Netherlands and exists over 10 years. In this period Technicoloured Eyes is their fourth studio album. The players are Judith Rijnveld (vocals), Edo van der Kolk (acoustic and electric guitars), Ivar de Graaf (drums and Irish Bouzouki), Erik van Ittersum (keys and Hammond organ), Nick Verschoor (bass guitar) and Maaike Peterse (Violoncello). The guest musicians are Valerio Recenti (additional vocals on Paving Stones) and Faber Auroch (Nyckelharp on Golden Thrones). Kingfisher Sky does not impose any restrictions on itself and is not attached to a record company, they do not want any influence from outside. In my opinion this album sounds really varied. Every song has its own individuality, I find that really well done. I am not going to take you on the trip to describe every song, I do not want that because the review will take a lot of text then and you will be bored..... It is a better idea to buy the record yourself and listen to it, while reading below..... Of course I want to tell you some ins and outs of the album, things that stand out for me. The album starts with Sky Scrape Window and the intro lets you vibrate on your foundations, what a power start. Lyrically the song lets you think about how the world is developing at the moment, so no nonsense lyrics. In Golden Thrones Judith sings her lungs out of her body to show you the message, this song has a real ominous intro. Walk With Brothers starts with a stolen Iron Maiden intro, but who cares? Not me because it sounds fantastic. It is a short, powerful and varied song. In Cornelia the music support the theme depression and in Swimming Against The Tide you hear the protest against nihilism. Stop The Silence is such a beautiful ballad, you will listen to it time after time after time, it touches you, especially because of the theme of losing your partner, not an easy subject to write and sing about. In the title track Technicoloured Eyes you hear high sensitive keys and guitars. In Next In Line you will hear a technical, splitting guitar solo but also classical music. Dream Beyond A Dream closes the album and is the longest, most proggy track on the album. It is the right closing track for this much varied album, as mentioned earlier. Is there no criticism? Maybe, sometimes Judith her singing is too much on the front, but that is okay to me. What I really have to tell you is that the booklet has beautiful paintings and artwork made by Judith's mother, Joke Rijnveld - Stortenbeek. All-in all a lovely album with something for everybody while your attention is constantly being held. A real good album. Hope to see Kingfisher Sky live someday. They deserve a wide audience. **** Michel Stolk (edited by Tracy van Os van den Abeelen) Where to buy? |
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