Not so long ago the Italian musician Paolo Farina contacted me and asked me if I wanted to review the album Fiori, Frutti, Farfalle (Flowers, Fruits, Butterflies). An album which he released in 2014 under the moniker of Humana Prog. As we are a website to promote progressive rock I decided to give this album a chance to be reviewed on Background Magazine. Paolo has his musical roots in the seventies and worked in the past with Maxophone from Milan. The rediscovery of an audio cassette recorded in 1973, containing a demo of a 16-minutes long song, made Farina decide to rework it and bringing it to a total length of 20 minutes. He combined it with six other songs written by himself in 1972-1973 which were never published. He recorded everything with several guest musicians with an almost exclusively acoustic instrumentation that brings us back to the sounds and atmospheres of that musical period. The result is for some lovers of progressive rock an interesting work to listen to. especially if you are into an acoustic prog-folk style of music. This work is a festival of acoustic instruments such as guitars, flutes, tabla, bongos, tambourines, violin, viola and cello. Occasionally you can enjoy some keyboard instruments such as a harpsichord, Mellotron and synthesizers. But they never really dictate the music. All those instruments create sounds which are simple but fresh, bright, delicate, direct, in the best soft prog, folk, song writing tradition of the 70s. However if you want adventuress progressive rock sounds with lots of solos and different time signatures you have to look elsewhere. Fiori, Frutti, Farfalle. Fiori is for make love not war types of people, as you can see on the album cover. The so called hippy folks. You decide yourself if you are one of them! *** Henri Strik (edited by Tracy van Os van den Abeelen) Where to buy? |
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